Dear Mr Harris,
My name is Lilly Rose . I am so fortunate to be part of a loving family who are very supportive and always encourage me and my brothers and sisters . I love the fact that I live in a country where there is no wars with guns and bombs. However at times I am afraid that the wars in Gaza and Ukraine might get worse. I am also afraid of Viruses and concerned about global warming.
Myself and my older brother are very close and we talk a lot about issues that concern us and our friends. Unfortunately many of our friends are not as interested in some of these issues. We do talk a lot to our parents and three living grandparents on many of the issues. My brother and myself talked about running a campaign to see if we can get our friends more interested and had decided to call our campaign Save a Our Future . One of my Grans , Sarah when we told her about “Save Our Future” she said can that be all our futures not just you and your young friends . I said of course. So we changed our campaign to “Save Our Futures”.
My Gran Sarah has a friend whom I have not yet met and she told him about this idea and on New Years Day 2024 on her earlier request he registered the website “saveourfutures!. That night Gran Sarah sent me and my brother a picture of the registration. It was indeed registered that day!. I immediately typed the website address into my phone and what I got back was “Its parked ………” I asked my brother who was also thrilled and he told me it won’t be live until we publish something. Please note its not www.saveourfutures .com . or .ie My brother and I are withholding the full address until we launch which will be soon.
Interestingly my brother told me last week that was not available last January and is now for sale for $ 19, 550 . (Reference I would love to know the value of grans new years day present!. Must be at least worth the same price or more. My brother said it would have been a lot more expensive to buy than a ‘.com’ . Our website is not for sale. I am so impressed with my Gran Sarah.